What We Do

Formed in 2021, the Indigenous Athletics Advancement Council aims to Indigenize the Sports World


Our Mission

The mission of the Indigenous Athletics Advancement council is to educate, promote, empower, and activate Indigenous peoples and communities around movement, physical fitness, and sport.

We also aim to disrupt the colonial systems that impact modern Indigenous peoples with the goal of integrating our people in leadership and decision-making roles in the sport business.


When the Schimmel sisters were tearing it up on TV, in the Final Four, playing D1 — I didn't see them, I saw myself. And that was the moment when I knew I could do it. I could go D-1. And that is what fuels me, what inspires me on those early chilly mornings, when my legs are so sore it hurts to walk, and I'm bruised, stiff, tired. I know there's a little girl out there, on a rez, who needs to see herself by seeing me.

- Grace White (Redlake Nation/Valpo)